- 下列程序完成按以下格式打印杨辉三角形的前N行: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 11 4 6 4 1请在横线处填写适当语句,使程序完整。 PARAMETER( N = 10 ) INTEGER A( N, N ), I, J DO I = 1, N ______ END DO DO I = 3, N DO J = 2, I - 1 ______ ENDDO END DO DO I = 1, N WRITE( *, 10 )( A( I, J ), J = 1, I ) END DO10 FORMAT( 1X, 10I5 )END
- 下列程序的运行显示结果是什么______ 。 M = 0 DO J = 1, 4 DO K = J - 1, 4 M = M + 1 END DO END DO WRITE( *, * )M, JEND
- 6 Complete the questions. ► At what age do children go to nursery school? 1 When do they s____ primary school? 2 Do they usually wear a u____ at primary school? 3 When do p____ start s____ school? 4 When can they I____ school and g____ a job? 5 Do they go to st____ schools, pr____ schools, or both?
- 1) What did the photographer do? 2) What did the maid do? 3) What did Taft’s aunt do?
- 下面程序的时间复杂度为() x=1 for i=1 to n do for j=1 to i do for k=1 to j do x++