• 2022-06-04
    I feel some __________ in my mouth
    A: sorenesses
    B: sore
    C: soreness
    D: sores
  • C


    • 0

      I never wanted to have that ____(滋味,味道)in my mouth, that hole in my stomach.

    • 1

      Professor White, I would feel very ______ if you could give some advice about my thesis. A: honorable B: appreciable C: obliged D: relieved

    • 2

      I know, but now I can't ___________ and my mouth feels dry.

    • 3

      My throat is _______. I cannot speak any more. A: sore B: purchase C: glow D: faint

    • 4

      9. My voice has become ______ since I began to have a sore throat.