• 2022-06-04
    The basic model of the financing decision process considers the following factors except ( ).
    A: the stage of the venture
    B: the industry of the venture
    C: the timing of the financing need
    D: the size of the financing need
  • B


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      Private individuals or groups of individuals can invest directly into a small business.What is this known as? A: Reverse factoring B: Supply chain finance C: Venture capital D: Business angel financing

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      The most basic function of financial market is to meet investment and financing demands in the process of social reproduction and propel capital centralization and transformation.

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      Internet finance as a new financial business model provides financing, payment, investment.

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      The financing through local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) is not reflected in the government budget.( )

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      ‍Which of the following factors is not a basic principle of venture capital? ‍‍‍ A: The principle of effectiveness B: The principle of rationality C: The principle of control D: The principle of legality