• 2022-06-05
    动词: become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens干预;介入,插手
  • intervene


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      Some people are too excited and may become aggressive and even fight with other shoppers.

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      An ____ is an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation, especially an accident which happens suddenly and which requires quick action to deal with it.

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      What happens at the age of two and a half? A: Some children become a lot more emotional. B: Parents change the way they discipline their children. C: Some children become very aware of their environment. D: Some children remain empathic while others don’t.

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      give it a shot A: going quickly B: make an attempt to do something C: in a situation which is boring and difficult to change

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      And finally those who like black are more likely to ________ their way out in order to change their current situation if they are not happy with their life.