• 2022-06-06
    One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on some other venture that ________ more time and passion.
  • consumes



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      _____ a member, complete this for, and send it with a cheque to the Social Research Association. A: To become B: Become C: One becomes D: On becoming

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      In social life, li means that people get along with each other and respect the elderly.

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      If he doesn’t try to get a ticket now, he’s probably not going to get one. So, he might want to take a stab______ it one more time.

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      This passion for change and progress is evident in the way that Americans have traditionally approached the environment--as something to be conquered, tamed, or harnessed for social or personal benefit.

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      It may take some time to get the British economy back___________.