• 2022-06-05
    This printer is equipped with an 8-bit parallel () port for PCs.
    A: plug
    B: insert
    C: link
    D: interface
  • D


    • 0

      A computer is usually equipped with _______ E-IDE (ATPI) interface connector.

    • 1

      【单选题】Which of the following is not disassembly procedure of IPC A. First, turn off the power B. Remove the monitor plug, network plug, keyboard and mouse plug and printer signal plug C. Remove the layering(as following picture shows). D. Do not open the cover of the IPC

    • 2

      Which three flow-control port states lead to enabled link flow control? () A:  Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: Enabled B:  Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: Desired C:  Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: Disabled D:  Receive port: Disabled, Transmit port: Desired E:  Receive port: Desired, Transmit port: Desired

    • 3

      通过网络接口远程访问命令行接口(CLI)的方式是什么? What is a way to remotely access the command-line interface (CLI) over a network interface? A: 辅助端口 auxiliary port B: 控制台端口 console port C: SSH访问 SSH access D: LAN接口 LAN interface E: WAN接口 WAN interface

    • 4

      Which one of the following I/O controllers is a parallel interface? A: FireWire B: SCSI C: USB D: None