• 2021-04-14
    Please insert the plug _____the socket.
  • into


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      【单选题】Which of the following is not disassembly procedure of IPC A. First, turn off the power B. Remove the monitor plug, network plug, keyboard and mouse plug and printer signal plug C. Remove the layering(as following picture shows). D. Do not open the cover of the IPC

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      Socket 有流式 Socket、数据包 Socket 和原始 Socket 三种类型。参考答案:

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      下面哪个选项能正确创建socket连接()。 A: Socket s = new Socket(8080); B: Socket s = new Socket(“”,”8080”) C: SocketServer s = new Socket(8080); D: Socket s = new SocketServer(“”,”8080”);

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      以下关于socket说法正确的是( )。 A: socket就是主机 B: socket就是ip C: socket就是端口 D: socket是ip+端口

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      The suitable structural forms of metal furniture are A: disassembly and assembly. B: fold. C: indigitation. D: socket.