• 2022-06-05
    The noise from playing short videos aloud on the electronic device has become another form of volume disturbance to people.
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      If you walk down any busy street in America, you will probably see many people with their hands up to their ears. Others may be pushing buttons on a small electronic device in their hands. Talking or sending text messages on mobile phones has become an important part of American life. A: A B: B C: C D: D

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      electronic device

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      Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of ____________ sort or ____________ . A: some, other B: one, the other C: a, others D: some, another

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      Some people like playing football while_____ enjoy playing baseball. A: the others B: others C: the other D: another

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      32. English has become a<br/>communication _____<br/>for people from different countries. A: merit B: stream C: enjoyment D: medium