• 2022-06-05
    permanent representative office(英译汉)
  • 常驻代表机构


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      This book makes no attempt to touch on all the problems which translators must face in translating from English to Chinese. A: 此书打算接触各种英译汉方面的难题,因为这些题很难翻译。 B: 此书并不打算涉及翻译人员在英译汉中所遇到的所有问题。 C: 此书企图触及翻译人员在英译汉中面临的所有问题。

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      Salaries for temporary positions seem to be higher than (). A: Athat of permanent B: Bpermanent C: Cthat permanent D: Dthose for permanent

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      【单选题】What is a key characteristic of a permanent magnet alternator? A. Permanent magnet stator B. Permanent magnet rotor C. Permanent magnet rotor and stator D. The use of a strong NIB magnet

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      11. ____the growing needs of the fast developing market at your end, we are considering ____ a representative office in your city. A: To meet, set up B: To meet, establishing C: Thinking, setting D: Thinking of, to establish

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      representative _____