• 2022-06-05
    The shadowland of dreams means all the difficulties people meet with when pursuing their dreams.
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      Some scientists supported the statement that ______. A: people's dreams exactly reflected what they experienced B: people already know the direct cause of dreams C: all of people's wishes can be reflected in their dreams D: we may know people's wishes from the content of the dreams

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      Accordingto the author, we need dreams because _______. A: dreamscan give us a better future B: dreams are a kind of nourishment C: dreams can give us hope when we are in difficulties D: dreams can stop us from going forward

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      What dreams do some people have? Some people have dreams of______________________.

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      Which of the following statements is supported by some scientists A: When a person feels hungry, he may dream of fine food and drinks. B: People already know the direct cause of dreams. C: From the content of the dreams we may know people's wishes. D: Some of the wishes can be realized in people's dreams.

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      Early the morning when most people are still in their dreams, Mr. Harrison has got up.