• 2022-06-06
    put the following parts in rigt order.
    A: it doesn't tell us
    B: that a healthy diet and a good toothbrush
    C: will have the same effect
    D: the complete truth
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      put the following parts in right order. A: although B: commercials on television and advertisements in magazines C: much more than D: we might not like to admit it E: we think they do F: probably influence us

    • 1

      Put the following parts in right order. A: out of fear B: and having no friends C: we still Zoom toothpaste D: of being unpopular

    • 2

      The following sentences describe Greg's daily routine,but they are not in order. Put them in order from A to H.

    • 3

      Initial order is the same to trial order.

    • 4

      Healthy diet and enough exercise are the key _________ good health.