• 2022-06-05
    Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster _______he had done the day before.[br][/br] [br][/br]
    A: that
    B: how
    C: where
    D: what
  • D


    • 0

      “What did Mr. Tate do before he retired?”[br][/br] “He _____ a city bus for over twenty-five years.” A: is driving B: drove C: is to go D: had went

    • 1

      Which<br/>of the following is NOT an emphatic construction? __________ A: What<br/>he had finally decided upon was announced. B: What<br/>he did was to announce his final decision. C: What<br/>he announced was his final decision. D: His<br/>final decision was what he announced.

    • 2

      -Julia,would<br/>you like to move that desk?<br/>-______ A: How is it? B: How<br/>much? C: What<br/>for? D: What<br/>is it?

    • 3

      ______<br/>is it _____ has made Peter _____ he is today? A: What;<br/>that; that B: That;<br/>that; what C: What;<br/>what; that D: What;<br/>that; what

    • 4

      Lucy:Where’sTonythisevening?<br/>Joe:______<br/>Lucy:Really?What’sthematterwithhim?<br/>Joe:Hehastheflu.<br/>Lucy:______<br/>Joe:Iwill. A: He’salittleundertheweather.;TellhimIwasaskingabouthim. B: He’sathome.;Youshouldtakebettercareofhim. C: Hedoesn’tliketheweather.;Willyoutakecareofhim? D: He’satwork;Willyougoandvisithim?