• 2022-06-05
    George would certainly have attended the proceedings, _________ .
  • had he not had a flat tire


    • 0

      — "We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. "—"He _________ it. " A: mustn't attend B: can't have attended C: would have not attended D: needed have attended

    • 1

      -We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. -He () it. A: would have not attended B: can not have attended C: needn't have attended D: mustn't attend

    • 2

      I would gladly have attended your wedding if you _____.

    • 3

      If the student ____ enough time, he would have attended the meeting.

    • 4

      We didn't see her at the lecture yesterday. She _______ it. A: mustn't attend B: can't have attended C: would have not attended D: needn't have attended