Where is London? -- It’s in __________.
A: England
B: English
C: America
D: Japan
A: England
B: English
C: America
D: Japan
- Where is London?It’s in _______.A. Where is London?It’s in _______. A: American B: Japan C: China D: England
- - Where"s London? - It’s in _____. A: China B: England C: Australia D: America
- Where did the Kiplings finally settle? A: Bateman's in England B: The Naulakha in America C: Vailima in Samoa D: Jejeebhoy, Mumbai
- , the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340.
- Lily is _____ and she is from _______. A: an English; England B: England; English C: English; England D: an English girl; English
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中国大学MOOC: New England in America is the first region where Europeans settled.
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The so-called “This England” speech is given by ____ for the purpose of ____. A: John of Gaunt; lamenting England’s “fall” B: John of Gaunt; arousing English troops C: Cloten; lamenting England’s “fall” D: Cloten; arousing English troops
- 2
The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at _______, Virginia. A: Mayflower B: Jamestown C: New England D: Boston
- 3
根据Chinatown in London 回答问题Where is London's Chinatown?
- 4
For most of Virginia Woolf’s life, she lived in ( ). A: the West End of London B: the seaside of Southwest England C: Richmond D: the East End of London