• 2022-06-05
    中国大学MOOC: You want to make a complaint at the customer service counter in a supermarket. Which of the following space is appropriate?
  • social space


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      If you are satisfied with the service, you could make a ______ to the manager. A: noise B: complain C: complaint D: letter of complaint

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      【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a recognized definition of customer service? A. Customer service as an activity B. Customer service as a theory C. Customer service as performance measures D. Customer service as a philosophy

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is appropriate for presentation?

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      中国大学MOOC:"You’re going to make a presentation about people’s increasing reliance on mobile phone. Which of the following is NOT appropriate to be used to grab audience’s attention in the opening of a presentation?";

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is appropriate for a date of the conference?