A: a person who is
fully grown and mature; grown-up.
B: a liquid, made
from flowers, herbs, or other substances that has a pleasant smell.
__________ is put on the body.
C: to state or say
D: something that
- link( ) A: a person who is<br/>fully grown and mature; grown-up. B: to join or unite<br/>by connecting. C: to an unusual<br/>degree; more than other things in a group. D: having the<br/>distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.
- board( ) A: to have one's name<br/>put in an official __________; enroll. B: to leave (someone<br/>or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession<br/>again. C: a committee;<br/>council. D: a state of freedom<br/>from war or hostility.
- typical( ) A: usually; normally. B: longing for one's<br/>home. C: the part of life<br/>when a person is grown up; the adult years. D: having the<br/>distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.
- satisfaction <br/>( ) A: the work a<br/>person does to earn a living; profession. B: a pleasant<br/>feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. C: almost; just<br/>about but not quite. D: to have a low<br/>opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by<br/>"of").
- operator<br/>() A: someone<br/>who connects telephones through a central system and gives<br/>information and other help to people using telephones. B: a<br/>person who serves another person. C: to<br/>fall or drop slowly to another level. D: to<br/>attempt through effort.
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grammar<br/>() A: a<br/>thing or person that does well. B: each<br/>and every person; everybody. C: to<br/>put someone or something in danger. D: the<br/>study of the way the words of a language are put together and used<br/>for communication.
- 1
request<br/>() A: the<br/>act of asking for something. B: someone<br/>who connects telephones through a central system and gives<br/>information and other help to people using telephones. C: the<br/>act of one who serves, such as a waiter, repair person, or<br/>government worker. D: to<br/>fall or drop slowly to another level.
- 2
decision() A: to<br/>help someone get away from harm or danger. B: to<br/>imagine or think of something as a possibility. C: something<br/>that a person has done or lived through. D: the<br/>act or result of deciding.
- 3
fare () A: to get along or<br/>be treated. B: a raised<br/>platform. C: to ask for<br/>something in a serious or sincere manner. D: a liquor made<br/>from rye, corn, or other grains.
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When<br/>the substance is measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the<br/>state of the substance is ( ) A: Solid<br/>state B: Liquid C: Vapor<br/>state D: Supercritical<br/>state