board( )
A: to have one's name
put in an official __________; enroll.
B: to leave (someone
or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession
C: a committee;
D: a state of freedom
from war or hostility.
A: to have one's name
put in an official __________; enroll.
B: to leave (someone
or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession
C: a committee;
D: a state of freedom
from war or hostility.
- register( ) A: a flat, cut piece<br/>of lumber; plank. B: to leave (someone<br/>or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession<br/>again. C: a book that<br/>officially records names, events, or other information. D: of or pertaining<br/>to an entire nation.
- joy () A: to give up a job<br/>or career. B: something that<br/>causes good feelings or happiness. C: freedom from pain,<br/>worry, or hard work. D: to have an effect<br/>on a person's actions or thoughts.
- repeat( ) A: a person who is<br/>fully grown and mature; grown-up. B: a liquid, made<br/>from flowers, herbs, or other substances that has a pleasant smell.<br/>__________ is put on the body. C: to state or say<br/>again. D: something that<br/>connects.
- satisfaction <br/>( ) A: the work a<br/>person does to earn a living; profession. B: a pleasant<br/>feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. C: almost; just<br/>about but not quite. D: to have a low<br/>opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by<br/>"of").
- grammar<br/>() A: a<br/>thing or person that does well. B: each<br/>and every person; everybody. C: to<br/>put someone or something in danger. D: the<br/>study of the way the words of a language are put together and used<br/>for communication.