• 2022-06-06
    If people are exposed to Internet violence too often, ______.
    A: they will be bored and then get rid of the habit
    B: they may put into practice what they've learn from violence
    C: they will begin to doubt the existence of the violence
    D: they will learn from others' misfortunes
  • B


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      The passage does NOT discus that many youth become victim of ______. A: murders B: family violence C: TV violence D: school violence

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      Text AII. Choose the right meaning for each underlined part according to the context.People without income or security fall prey to crime and violence, and often get trapped in protracted conflict. A: fall victim to B: take a fancy to C: get back at D: refrain from

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      [音频]Directions: Use your notes. Put the topics in the order discussed in the lecture A: Long-term effects of TV violence on children B: The amount of violence on TV C: Immediate effects of TV violence on children D: The amount of TV that American children watch

    • 3

      What do young people learn from their role models? They learn everything from how they spend their_______ to how they react toward others.

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      In the author's opinion ______. A: violence in sports is illegal B: finesse is more important than aggression C: violence in sports is inevitable D: violence in sports is not necessary