• 2022-06-06 问题

    Actually, the misfortunes have happened somewhere in the world.

    Actually, the misfortunes have happened somewhere in the world.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    ________________ enabled Abraham Lindoln to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

    ________________ enabled Abraham Lindoln to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The ______ people tend to think that misfortunes only happen to others. A: usual B: normal C: average D: common

    The ______ people tend to think that misfortunes only happen to others. A: usual B: normal C: average D: common

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    You can have a (choose)between facing misfortunes in life bravely and just complaining sadly all the time.

    You can have a (choose)between facing misfortunes in life bravely and just complaining sadly all the time.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Abraham Lincoln’s strong will enabled him to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

    中国大学MOOC: Abraham Lincoln’s strong will enabled him to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

  • 2022-07-25 问题

    正是祸不单行的日子。<br/>Misfortunes never come ____. A: singularly B: single-mindedly C: singly D: singlely

    正是祸不单行的日子。<br/>Misfortunes never come ____. A: singularly B: single-mindedly C: singly D: singlely

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    You can have a (choose) _________ between facing misfortunes in life bravely and just complaining sadly all the time. A: chose B: choice C: chosen D: choose

    You can have a (choose) _________ between facing misfortunes in life bravely and just complaining sadly all the time. A: chose B: choice C: chosen D: choose

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    If people are exposed to Internet violence too often, ______. A: they will be bored and then get rid of the habit B: they may put into practice what they've learn from violence C: they will begin to doubt the existence of the violence D: they will learn from others' misfortunes

    If people are exposed to Internet violence too often, ______. A: they will be bored and then get rid of the habit B: they may put into practice what they've learn from violence C: they will begin to doubt the existence of the violence D: they will learn from others' misfortunes

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    7 When it comes to bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of all is the duration and memorability of the first event. Take a burst pipe while you are away on holiday, for example. It may take less than an hour to flood the house, but this one bad event can remain alive and kicking for many months, with the cleaning up operation and the debate with your insurers acting as constant reminders of the original event. 8 The longer the first bad event sticks in the front of your mind, the more opportunities you will have to experience two more bad events. A month later someone bumps the back of your car and a week after that you lose your wedding ring. The mind which is already on a low from the first event will quickly leap to connect the subsequent misfortunes as part of the series. It wouldn't matter that there could be a two-month timescale over which everything happened. By the time you have recovered from the water damage you are actively looking out for the next disaster. The timescale has been extended as long as is necessary to confirm the original prophecy. 9 As with coincidences, in bad luck there is a tendency to look for the examples which confirm the theory, and ignore those which don’t (because they are less interesting). Single bad events happen all the time. That alone should be enough to disprove the theory. Bad things also come in twos. But it is more likely that a friend will tell you “three bad things have happened to me, isn’t that typical” than “only two bad things have happened to me, which just proves that the theory doesn’t work”. After all, the latter is tempting fate!

    7 When it comes to bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of all is the duration and memorability of the first event. Take a burst pipe while you are away on holiday, for example. It may take less than an hour to flood the house, but this one bad event can remain alive and kicking for many months, with the cleaning up operation and the debate with your insurers acting as constant reminders of the original event. 8 The longer the first bad event sticks in the front of your mind, the more opportunities you will have to experience two more bad events. A month later someone bumps the back of your car and a week after that you lose your wedding ring. The mind which is already on a low from the first event will quickly leap to connect the subsequent misfortunes as part of the series. It wouldn't matter that there could be a two-month timescale over which everything happened. By the time you have recovered from the water damage you are actively looking out for the next disaster. The timescale has been extended as long as is necessary to confirm the original prophecy. 9 As with coincidences, in bad luck there is a tendency to look for the examples which confirm the theory, and ignore those which don’t (because they are less interesting). Single bad events happen all the time. That alone should be enough to disprove the theory. Bad things also come in twos. But it is more likely that a friend will tell you “three bad things have happened to me, isn’t that typical” than “only two bad things have happened to me, which just proves that the theory doesn’t work”. After all, the latter is tempting fate!

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    A successful man is always asked--"What is the secret of your success?" People never ask a man who is a failure "What is the secret of your failure?" It is quite easy to see that they are not interested. People all want to know how to open the secret door of success. For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall. If you are a failure and resent the success of someone else, you are keeping away your own success. I have given the following statement toneutralize envy and resentment: What God has done for others. He now does for me and more. A good character and a smile, often opens the secret door. The Chinese say, "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop." The success of a smile was brought out in a French movie inwhich Chevalier took the lead; the movie was called With a Smile. One of the characters had become poor, dreary and frustrated. He said to Chevalier, "What good has my honesty done me?" Chevalier replied, "Even honesty won't help you, without a smile:" So the man changed on the spot, cheered up, and became very successful. Living in the past and complaining of your misfortunes build a thick wall keeping you away from your success .Talking too much about your affairs and scattering your complaints bring you up against a high wall. Here is a man of brains and ability, who was a complete failure. He lived with his mother and aunt, and every night when he went home to dinner, he told them all that had taken place during the day at the office; he discussed his hopes, his fears, and his failures. It was said to him, "You scatter your complaints by talking about your affairs. Don't discuss your business with your family. Silence is Golden!" He took the advice. During dinner he refused to talk about business. His mother and aunt were in despair. They loved to hear all about everything, but his silence proved golden! Not long after, he was given a position at 100dollars a week, and in a few years, he had a salary of 300 dollars a week. 1 Why is the secret of failure seldom asked?

    A successful man is always asked--"What is the secret of your success?" People never ask a man who is a failure "What is the secret of your failure?" It is quite easy to see that they are not interested. People all want to know how to open the secret door of success. For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall. If you are a failure and resent the success of someone else, you are keeping away your own success. I have given the following statement toneutralize envy and resentment: What God has done for others. He now does for me and more. A good character and a smile, often opens the secret door. The Chinese say, "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop." The success of a smile was brought out in a French movie inwhich Chevalier took the lead; the movie was called With a Smile. One of the characters had become poor, dreary and frustrated. He said to Chevalier, "What good has my honesty done me?" Chevalier replied, "Even honesty won't help you, without a smile:" So the man changed on the spot, cheered up, and became very successful. Living in the past and complaining of your misfortunes build a thick wall keeping you away from your success .Talking too much about your affairs and scattering your complaints bring you up against a high wall. Here is a man of brains and ability, who was a complete failure. He lived with his mother and aunt, and every night when he went home to dinner, he told them all that had taken place during the day at the office; he discussed his hopes, his fears, and his failures. It was said to him, "You scatter your complaints by talking about your affairs. Don't discuss your business with your family. Silence is Golden!" He took the advice. During dinner he refused to talk about business. His mother and aunt were in despair. They loved to hear all about everything, but his silence proved golden! Not long after, he was given a position at 100dollars a week, and in a few years, he had a salary of 300 dollars a week. 1 Why is the secret of failure seldom asked?

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