• 2022-06-06
    straight from the shoulder
    A: 直接地,坦率地
    B: 平直方正的肩膀
  • A


    • 0

      摹印篆特点?(多选) A: 方正平直 B: 庄严肃穆 C: 印文多变 D: 浑厚古朴

    • 1

      All mineral water is ‘natural’, coming straight from a natural spring.

    • 2

      地服部公文标题字体要求() A: 3号方正黑体 B: 3号方正楷体 C: 3号方正仿宋 D: 2号方正小标宋简体

    • 3

      To my horror, I saw, _____ my father’s shoulder, a gorilla. A: on B: above C: over D: from

    • 4

      做完那件事后,他就直接去了医院。 A: That done he went straight to the hospital. B: That done, he went straight to the hospital. C: He went straight to the hospital, that done. D: He went straight to the hospital that done.