When should conduct visual you a inspection your towline?( )
A: A. Whenever its service ability is in doubt
B: B. In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation
C: C. At least once a month
D: D. All of the above
A: A. Whenever its service ability is in doubt
B: B. In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation
C: C. At least once a month
D: D. All of the above
- When should conduct visual you a inspection your towline?
- When using the AIDA approach to persuasion, the closing should A: a. urge the audience to take the action you are requesting. B: b. provide additional evidence and detail not covered in the Desiresection. C: c. explain the steps needed to implement your ideas. D: d. do all of the above
- You may ask the following for a recommendation except_________________________. A: A. your college professors B: B. your former bosses C: C. your co-workers D: D. your cyber - pals
- In each student's video A: you should not wear earphones or headphones B: you should not read any part of your assessment or use notes or hidden papers C: you should not copy another student's assessment D: all of the above answers
- 7. When you are learning a foreign language, _ , you must forget your own language. A: above all B: in first C: at the first D: after all