• 2022-06-14
    When using the AIDA approach to persuasion, the closing should
    A: a. urge the audience to take the action you are requesting.
    B: b. provide additional evidence and detail not covered in the Desiresection.
    C: c. explain the steps needed to implement your ideas.
    D: d. do all of the above
  • D


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      Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience __________.

    • 1

      When you speak to inform, your aim is to _____ . A: convey knowledge and understanding B: urge the audience to take actions C: establish the speaker’s authority D: advocate a cause

    • 2

      You should learn to take ______ of every opportunity to improve your oral English. A: chance B: B. use C: action D: D. advantage

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      Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speeD。 Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______。( ) A: A. you can stop within your visibility range B: B. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision C: C. you are traveling slower than surrounding vessels D: D. no wake comes from your vessel

    • 4

      Which of the following is NOT the way to keep a presentation “real”? A: A. Using anecdotes or stories B: B. Relating the topic to the audience C: C. Explain how important the topic is D: D. Looking at the audience