• 2022-06-06
    If you buy a large house, you can _________some of the bedrooms to students.( )
    A: stretch out
    B: run out of
    C: stumble across
    D: check in
    E: rent out
  • E


    • 0

      如果你把手伸出就能感觉到在下雨。 A: You can fell the rain if you stretch out your hand. B: You can feel the rain if you stretch out your hand. C: You can fell the rain if you stretch off your hand. D: You can feel the rain if you stretch up your hand.

    • 1

      I _____ out of milk, so I went to 7-11 to buy some more. A: run out B: ran out C: runs out D: running out

    • 2

      If you don’t want to go out, you can buy things _________.

    • 3

      If you're pressed for time, you can’t always call the front desk and request a late check out, which will often buy you another hour.

    • 4

      If you find out there are several authors no show, you can combine the session with some others”.