• 2022-06-06
    Specialized devices with a large display connected to a computer projector and are widely used in classrooms and corporate boardrooms.
    A: Scanners
    B: HDTV
    C: E-books
    D: Digital or interactive whiteboards
  • D


    • 0

      Computer used to _____. A: work rapidly B: be large and expensive C: be easy to use D: be used for fun

    • 1

      Which digital cellular standard is used widely throughout the world except the United States?

    • 2

      The full block form layout is the most widely used method of display for business documents.____

    • 3

      When a ( ) is used, all the devices in the network are connected to a single cable. A: bus network B: ring network C: star network D: network

    • 4

      As much as I’ve come to __________________ ___ e-books, and while I will continue to buy them, digital books just don’t deliver the same sort of __________________________ I get from reading physical books. Physical books are more _____________. Physical books make ___________________. Print books can be easily scribbled in and ___________. Print books ____________. Print books ___________.