• 2022-06-06 问题

    Flatbed, document, and portable are types of _______ that accept documents and convert them into machine-readable form. A: scanners B: recognition devices C: coprocessors D: RFID readers

    Flatbed, document, and portable are types of _______ that accept documents and convert them into machine-readable form. A: scanners B: recognition devices C: coprocessors D: RFID readers

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Specialized devices with a large display connected to a computer projector and are widely used in classrooms and corporate boardrooms. A: Scanners B: HDTV C: E-books D: Digital or interactive whiteboards

    Specialized devices with a large display connected to a computer projector and are widely used in classrooms and corporate boardrooms. A: Scanners B: HDTV C: E-books D: Digital or interactive whiteboards

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    So-called biometric security ______ such as finger scanners are considered safer; they check finger prints to authenticate a person’s identity before it is possible to gain entry to the system. A: devices B: tools C: implements D: appliances

    So-called biometric security ______ such as finger scanners are considered safer; they check finger prints to authenticate a person’s identity before it is possible to gain entry to the system. A: devices B: tools C: implements D: appliances

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Select the following computer systems which are instances of artificial intelligence. A: Robot B: Intelligent personal assistant C: Voice-activated telephone menus D: Web search engines E: Supermarket bar code scanners

    Select the following computer systems which are instances of artificial intelligence. A: Robot B: Intelligent personal assistant C: Voice-activated telephone menus D: Web search engines E: Supermarket bar code scanners

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview. Nicole’ s project ______ . A: had students write about American history B: encouraged students to write stories about local history C: taught students how to use scanners and other multimedia devices D: had students build a database of pictures of their grandparents

    Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview. Nicole’ s project ______ . A: had students write about American history B: encouraged students to write stories about local history C: taught students how to use scanners and other multimedia devices D: had students build a database of pictures of their grandparents

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    一台多媒体计算机是在普通计算机上添加_____,再配置支持多媒体功能的操作系统即可构成。A multimedia computer consists of adding___ to an ordinary computer an operating system that supports multimedia functions. A: 激光打印机,声卡和扫描仪Laser Printers, Sound CARDS, and Scanners; B: 绘图仪、光驱和音响Plotters, Optical Drives, and Sound Systems; C: 声卡、视频卡和光驱Sound Card, Video Card, and Optical Drive; D: 声卡和音响Sound Card and Audio;

    一台多媒体计算机是在普通计算机上添加_____,再配置支持多媒体功能的操作系统即可构成。A multimedia computer consists of adding___ to an ordinary computer an operating system that supports multimedia functions. A: 激光打印机,声卡和扫描仪Laser Printers, Sound CARDS, and Scanners; B: 绘图仪、光驱和音响Plotters, Optical Drives, and Sound Systems; C: 声卡、视频卡和光驱Sound Card, Video Card, and Optical Drive; D: 声卡和音响Sound Card and Audio;

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