• 2022-06-06
    Talking About Business-Bargaining for a Better Price Company Name (that offers the price) Fraser Projector 9. ______ Corporation Con-party Name (that is to bargain for a better price) S.C. Johnson & Son Corporation Position of Ms. Jennings 10. ______ Marketing Position of Mr. Markinson 11. ______ Manager Price offer 12. $ ______ for each projector Price bargained for 13. $ ______ for each projector Solution 14. Talk to the ______ Reply date 15. ______.
  • Manager


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      Transfer price is( ) A: The price adopted by transnational corporations in their transactions with non- transnational corporations B: The price of goods and services transacted within a transnational corporation C: The price at which the government procures goods and services D: The price at which goods are allocated between national government departments

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      We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is far below our cost.

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      下列方法中,能正确创建 JavaScript 对象的是( )。 A: var txt = new Object[name:"George",price:25] B: var txt = new Object(name:"George",price:25) C: var txt = new Object{name:"George",price:25} D: var txt = new Object({name:"George",price:25})

    • 3

      What should be made clear when the seller and the buyer talk about price during business negotiation? A: The trade terms and the price adjustment B: The liabilities of the seller and the buyer C: The commission and/or discount in the quoted price D: All of above

    • 4

      为查询Products表中,价格Price在5-10元之间的产品信息,请补全以下SELECT语句 SELECT ProductID,ProductName,Price FROM products WHERE_________ AND_________ A: price>=5,price<=10 B: price>5,price<10 C: price<=5,price<=10 D: price>=5,price>=10