• 2022-06-06
    The strategy of “__________(一带一路)” will play a more significant role in promoting China's import and export trade in the future.
  • the Belt and Road


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      What are the procedures for both import and export trade?

    • 1

      China's present Regulations of Origin are applicable to the origin determination of both import and export goods on the non-preferential basis.

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      The major contents of the strategy of fostering foreign trade by science and technology include ____________ . A: promoting vigorously exports of high-tech products B: increasing technical contents and added-value of the traditional export products C: boosting high-tech exports to developing countries D: improving the quality of the traditional export products

    • 3

      China is still a developing country and in dire need of development. In promoting its export, there is little need for China to heed the international call for energy conservation and emission reduction, which anyway might be conspiracy do dull China's export competitiveness. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      Agriculture is the foundation of China’s economic development, so the____ play a great role in Chinese culture.