Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence and has little relationship with computer science.
- Machine learning is not a branch of artificial intelligence.
- Which of the following does not belong to AI Classification? A: Artificial Intelligence B: Machine Learning C: Deep Learning D: Quantum communication
- 25.Which of the following is the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behavior? A: Database management B: Machine intelligence C: Artificial intelligence D: Swarm management
- 【单选题】請問機器學習(Machine Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)三者之間的正確關聯性? A. 機器學習(Machine Learning)是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的一個分支;深度學習 (Deep Learning)則是機器學習的一個分支 B. 深度學習 (Deep Learning)是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的一個分支;機器學習(Machine Learning)則是深度學習 的一個分支 C. 機器學習(Machine Learning)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)都是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的個別分支 D. 機器學習(Machine Learning)、深度學習 (Deep Learning)及人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)是個別獨立的研究領域
- Machine vision is a rapidly developing branch of artificial intelligence.