• 2022-06-06
    8. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is ________.
    A: A essential to solving the dog's behavior problems
    B: B the foundation for dogs to perform tasks
    C: C a good way to teach the dog new tricks
    D: D an extreme measure in obedience training
  • B


    • 0

      下列用法中“dog”一词的意思和其他三个不同的是___________.‍​‍ A: Every dog has his day. B: A lucky dog C: Dogs are men’s best friends. D: A top dog

    • 1

      What is Dog Ma? A: A center which accepts stray dogs sent by warm-hearted people. B: A center where dogs are taken care of when their owners are away or at work. C: A center where dogs are trained according to their owners' requirements. D: A center where a dog can do whatever it likes so long as its owner has paid.

    • 2

      The dog has transferred its _____________ to its new master.

    • 3

      下列用法中“dog”一词的意思和其他三个不同的是___________.? Dogs are men’s best friends.; ;|;A top dog;|Every dog has his day.|;A lucky dog

    • 4

      对于下列Dog类,下列叙述错误的是:class Dog{ Dog(){ } Dog(int m){ } Dog(double m){ } int Dog(int m){ return m; }} A: Dog(int m)与Dog(double m)是重载的构造方法; B: Dog(int m)与int Dog(int m)是重载的构造方法; C: Dog d=new Dog();对象d创建时会调用Dog()构造方法; D: Dog d=new Dog(10);对象d创建时会调用Dog(int m)构造方法;