• 2022-06-06
    She gets excited about going to any country.
  • 内容

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      the judgement about bankrupt of company of any court of every country has effect only within the country of the court

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      She will get home at dinner time, but I would rather she ________ home a littler earlier. A: gets B: got C: is going

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      A: No, I (am going to stay, going to stay) home that day. But on Tuesday, we (going to go, ’re going to go) to the beach together. B: What about your wife? (Is she going to, She is going to) join you?

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      How is Carol going to spend this vacation A: [A] She will go to a new country alone. B: She will stay in her own city and enjoy herself. C: She will go with a friend to one country and visit a seaside city.

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      What is true about Susan A: She sleeps very late. B: She gets up late. C: She takes exercises every morning.