• 2022-06-06
    China's economy has been transitioning from the phase of rapid growth to a stage of
    A: Higher-quality development
    B: Traditional society
    C: Take-off
    D: Mass consumption
  • A


    • 0

      Has it been announced _____? A: when are the planes to take off B: that are the planes to take off C: where are the planes to take off D: when the planes are to take off

    • 1

      The highest population growth rate occurs in the A: pre transitional phase (stage 1). B: transitional phase (stage 2). C: industrial phase (stage 3). D: post industrial phase (stage 4). E: need more info.

    • 2

      At which phase does the highest population growth rate occur? A: Pre transitional phase (stage 1) B: Transitional phase (stage 2) C: Industrial phase (stage 3) D: Post industrial phase (stage 4) E: need more info

    • 3

      Why did the Chinese government carry out the policy of family planning or one child policy since the late 1970s? ( ) A: slow the population growth rate B: protect the environment C: improve population quality D: promote the development of economy and society

    • 4

      There has been a boom in economy in recent years. A: fall B: mistake C: growth D: flaw