• 2022-06-06
    A: to,togo
    B: for,goto
    C: to,togo
  • B


    • 0

      Doyoufeellike______toafilmorwouldyourather______athome? A: going…stay B: togo…stay C: going…staying D: going…tostay

    • 1

      Why not () to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A: go B: yourgoing C: togo D: yougo

    • 2

      An armed gang attacked buses on the border between Congo and______. A: Togo B: Cabinda C: C. Angola D: D. Zaire

    • 3

      Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news. An armed gang attacked buses on the border between Congo and______. A: Togo B: Cabinda C: Angola D: Zaire

    • 4

      Youmust()hungry. A: are B: been C: being D: be