• 2022-05-31
    A: togo
    B: going
    C: togoing
    D: go
  • B


    • 0

      Howabout____outforawalk? A: Going B: Togoing C: Gone D: Went

    • 1

      Doyoufeellike______toafilmorwouldyourather______athome? A: going…stay B: togo…stay C: going…staying D: going…tostay

    • 2

      A: They (going to go, ’re going to go) to Hollywood on Monday. B: (Are you going to go, You going to go) with them?

    • 3

      I () to the cinema. I () there every Sunday. A: go; go B: am going; go C: am going; am going

    • 4

      Why not () to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A: go B: yourgoing C: togo D: yougo