• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: The interpreter can seek help from others during interpreting. For example, he can ask the speaker to explain or rephrase the expression which he couldn’t understand or ask the audience to help. And the interpreter can use this tactic as frequently as possible without losing any credibility.
  • 内容

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      When an Alexandrian wrote a book, A: encyclopedias are close at hand. B: he can refer to a biographical dictionary. C: he may recopy every word he wrote. D: he can ask a copyist to help him to write.

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      In business negotiation, if the interpreter knows a lot about the Chinese company, s/he can answer the question from the foreign client without consulting the Chinese side.( )

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      The speaker can help the audience remember the message longer by

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      Model adjectives can help audience understand the ________ of the presenter.

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      4.John can hardly understand any Chinese, _________he?A、can’t B、doesn’t C、can D、does