• 2022-06-06
    A(n)( )translates all the source code of a program written in a high-level language into object code prior to the execution of th program.
    A: interprete
    B: assemblers
    C: compile
  • C


    • 0

      To document your code can increase program ()and make program easier to (). make program easier to () A: execute B: interpret C: compile D: maintain

    • 1

      The so-called program that can be directly executed inside an<br/>electronic computer is ____. A: High-level language programs B: Assembly language program C: Machine language programs D: Source program

    • 2

      Comments are usually added in the source code of a computer program with the purpose of _______________. A: describing the intended operation of the source code B: making the source code more technical C: making the interface more user-friendly D: providing end users with more specific description of the program

    • 3

      To document your code can increase program (2) and make program easier to (3) . A: execute B: interpret C: compile D: maintain

    • 4

      To document your code can increase program (57) and make program easier to (58) . A: execute B: interpret C: compile D: maintain