• 2022-06-04
    Which of the following agonists would be used for cardiac arrest, heart block, or heart failure?
    A: α1-agonist
    B: α2-agonist
    C: β1-agonist
    D: β3-agonist
  • C


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      Propranolol is A: effective in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias B: effective in all angina pectoris cases by increasing the O2 supply C: lowers the blood pressure by reducing the renin synthesis D: cardioselective and having a partial agonist activity

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      A 65-year-old woman is noted to have suspected uterine fibroids on physical examination. Over the course of 1 year, she is noted to have enlargement of her uterus from approximately 12 weeks’ size to 20 weeks’ size. Which of the following is the best management? () A: Continued careful observation B: Monitoring with ultrasound examinations C: Exploratory laparotomy with hysterectomy D: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist E: Progestin therapy

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      Which of the following is not a compound word? A: heart failure B: nosebleed C: air-borne D: thorax

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      单选题<br/>Which<br/>of the following statements is the most consistent with the<br/>definition of heart failure? () A: Stroke volume is decreased B: The volume of venous return is greater than that of cardiac output C: Cardiac output cannot meet body’s requirement for metabolism D: Heart dysfunction results in congestion in pulmonary and systemic<br/>circulation

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      Which of the following would not be identified as a risk factor for heart disease for a Type B personality?