• 2022-06-04
    If the order quantity e______3000pcs,we can do buyer' manual free of charge based on the buyer provide manual artwork .
  • exceed


    • 0

      What other forms of a user manual do you know? A: Quick Start Guide B: User guide C: Instruction manual D: Maintenance manual E: Cosmetics Labels

    • 1

      The Linux manual pages can be read using: A: manual B: man C: doc D: command /?

    • 2

      If you decide not to accept an out-of-policy return or if you plan to provide a returnless refund, you can close the buyer’s return request. Once the request is closed, the buyer will receive a message with the closure reason from Amazon. ( )

    • 3

      We recommend these type curves for manual or graphical decline analysis because they are based on ______ considerations, unlike Arps' empirical decline-curve analysis techniques.

    • 4

      “hand” for “men who do manual labour”______________