• 2022-06-04
    Cylinder is to can as ()
    A: circle is to square
    B: perimeter is to area
    C: cube is to dice
    D: line is to angle
    E: arc is to sphere
  • C


    • 0

      AutoCAD软件中,“直线”命令的英文命令是() A: arc B: circle C: line D: xline

    • 1

      What type of intersection line can you get, when a sphere cut by a plane?

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      无序列表ul标记的type属性值可以为 ( )。 A: circle B: disc C: line D: square

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      2. Most explorers didn’t believe the Earth was a sphere until Magellan first sailed all round the Earth in the early 1500s. A: square B: triangle C: ball D: circle

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      需要在代码中引入circle包的area()函数,应该使用( )。 A: import circle and area B: from circle import area C: import circle's area D: import area from circle