• 2021-04-14
    Cane : Wait, wait. Wait! Russell, hang on. Walk back. Walk back. Russell: Okay. Cane : Come on. Come on. Where.... Where are we? Russell: This doesn't look like the city or the 1 , Mr. Fredricksen. Cane : Don't worry, Ellie. I got it. There it is! Ellie, it's so beautiful! We made it! We made it! Russell, we could 2 right over there! Climb up, climb up! Russell: You mean, assist you? Cane : Yeah, yeah, whatever. Russell: Okay, I'll climb up! Cane : Watch it! Russell: Sorry. Cane : Now, when you get up there, 3 and hoist me up. Got it? Do you on the porch yet? What? That's it? I came all this way here to get stuck. At the wrong end of this rock pile? Great. Russell: Hey, if I could assist you over there, would you sign off on my badge? Cane : What are you talking about? Russell: We could walk your house to the fall. Cane : Walk it? Russell: Yeah. After all, we weigh it down. We could walk it right over there. Like a parade balloon. Cane : Now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly. With no rap music or flash dancing. We have three days at best. Till the helium 4 those balloons. And if we are not at the falls when that happens Russell: Sand Cane : We're not getting to the falls. Russell: I found sand! Cane : Don't you worry, Ellie. We'll get our house over there. Russell: It is fun already, isn't it? By the time we get there, You're gonna feel so assisted. Oh, Mr. Fredricksen, if we happen to get 5 , use the wilderness explorer call. Wait, why are we going to paradise falls, again? Cane : Hey, let's play a game. It's called "see who can be quiet the longest." Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game!
  • jungle  float  go ahead  leaks out of  separated


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      Let’s go for a walk __________ A: shall we B: will you C: won’t you D: shan’t we

    • 1

      If you can't hear the caller very well because of the bad signal or some other reasons, which of the following sentences you can use? A: What's wrong? What are you talking? B: I am sorry. I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please? C: I think my signal is bad. Can I call you back? D: We have a bad connection. Could you repeat that please.

    • 2

      — Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom— ______— Can’t you see that it’s not working fight A: Do you have to repair it B: It is not very hot in this season. C: I also think we should buy a new one. D: What’s wrong with the one we have now

    • 3

      W: --1--M: --2--W: Okay, --3--,--4--M: Hey, Get off your cellphone, concentrate on the road. You still there?W: All right, hurry.M: All right, I see the school.W: Ryan, How much time do we have?M: uh, ...we got one minute.W: Okay, go up to the main building. --5--.M: OK.

    • 4

      Yeah, I think it does. I think as you get older, you become, probably, a bit more intolerant of certain, sort of, 1) behavior and, as, when you’re younger you’re probably not as 2) it. I think the order people, er, definitely 3) manners, good behavior and good 4) . I suppose so. I suppose we learn how to be more 5) of it. Um, we can be, probably, more short-tempered of it because we’ve probably had it all of our lives and we want it to, sort of, 6) , but I think we learn how to, sort of, either 7) from it or ignore it, that sort of things. It becomes more important as you get older. You have to 8) more people, therefore, be more polite.