• 2022-06-04
    In chronic metabolic acidosis, pH remains 7.40 after the compensation of kidney.
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      In acute metabolic acidosis, pH, AB, SB, PaCO2 are all decreased.

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      The<br/>main way of compensating the body for acute metabolic acidosis is () A: Buffering<br/>of extracellular fluid B: Buffering<br/>of intracellular fluid C: Respiratory<br/>compensation D: Renal<br/>compensation E: Bone<br/>compensation

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      The<br/>results of blood-gas analysis of a patient with hysteria are<br/>increased pH, normal SB and decreased PaCO2, they indicate() A: Respiratory<br/>acidosis B: Respiratory<br/>alkalosis C: Metabolic<br/>alkalosis D: Metabolic<br/>acidosis with a normal AG E: Metabolic<br/>acidosis with a high AG

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      In acute metabolic acidosis, pH, AB, SB, PaCO2 are all decreased. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      The urine from an individual with metabolic acidosis caused by hyperkalemia is acidic.