A: beoverthemoon
B: laughhisheadoff
C: beallyears
D: flyoffthehandle
A: beoverthemoon
B: laughhisheadoff
C: beallyears
D: flyoffthehandle
- Simon:I’mareporterfromtheHendonStandard.________<br/>Celia:Yes,IwasstandingattheendofElmAvenue,bythepark.<br/>Simon:Whathappened?<br/>Celia:Therewasaredvantravelingwest,andseveralcarsandvansbehindit. A: Wereyoupresentwhentheaccidenthappened? B: Wouldyoutellmewhatyouhaveseen? C: Whatasurprisetoseeyouhere! D: Didyoudoanythingspecialjustnow?
- There<br/>used to be a petrol station near the park, ______? A: didn’t<br/>it B: doesn’t<br/>there C: usedn’t<br/>it D: didn’t<br/>there
- “Whathappened”“We__________foranhourwhenthebusfinallycame” A: waited B: havewaited C: havebeenwaiting D: hadbeenwaiting
- The<br/>boy acted ________ he didn’t know me. A: so<br/>that B: such<br/>as C: as<br/>soon D: as<br/>if
- () She didn't want to ________ . A: take<br/>it off B: turn<br/>it off C: get<br/>on D: talk<br/>about it