• 2022-06-05 问题

    Whathappened that made the author give up goingto the dancing school?

    Whathappened that made the author give up goingto the dancing school?

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    “Whathappened”“We__________foranhourwhenthebusfinallycame” A: waited B: havewaited C: havebeenwaiting D: hadbeenwaiting

    “Whathappened”“We__________foranhourwhenthebusfinallycame” A: waited B: havewaited C: havebeenwaiting D: hadbeenwaiting

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    —Whathappened?Yourbossseemsto_____.<br/>—Didn’tyouknowhissecretaryleakedthesecretreporttothepress? A: beoverthemoon B: laughhisheadoff C: beallyears D: flyoffthehandle

    —Whathappened?Yourbossseemsto_____.<br/>—Didn’tyouknowhissecretaryleakedthesecretreporttothepress? A: beoverthemoon B: laughhisheadoff C: beallyears D: flyoffthehandle

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    (2) Whathappened in the end?A. The manbought another tableB. The man gota refundC. The managertalked to the manager A: A B: B C: C

    (2) Whathappened in the end?A. The manbought another tableB. The man gota refundC. The managertalked to the manager A: A B: B C: C

  • 2022-06-06 问题



  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Simon:I’mareporterfromtheHendonStandard.________<br/>Celia:Yes,IwasstandingattheendofElmAvenue,bythepark.<br/>Simon:Whathappened?<br/>Celia:Therewasaredvantravelingwest,andseveralcarsandvansbehindit. A: Wereyoupresentwhentheaccidenthappened? B: Wouldyoutellmewhatyouhaveseen? C: Whatasurprisetoseeyouhere! D: Didyoudoanythingspecialjustnow?

    Simon:I’mareporterfromtheHendonStandard.________<br/>Celia:Yes,IwasstandingattheendofElmAvenue,bythepark.<br/>Simon:Whathappened?<br/>Celia:Therewasaredvantravelingwest,andseveralcarsandvansbehindit. A: Wereyoupresentwhentheaccidenthappened? B: Wouldyoutellmewhatyouhaveseen? C: Whatasurprisetoseeyouhere! D: Didyoudoanythingspecialjustnow?

  • 2022-06-06 问题



  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Whathappened to us at the first night inHong Kong? A: My purse was stolen by the thief B: We experienced an electrical fire at the hotel C: We got lost in Hong Kong D: I got ill

    Whathappened to us at the first night inHong Kong? A: My purse was stolen by the thief B: We experienced an electrical fire at the hotel C: We got lost in Hong Kong D: I got ill

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the highlighted verbs could be in the present perfect in this dialogue? Choose as many as you think are possible to say in the present perfect.– I’m sorry tosayyour wifehadan accident.– Oh no! Whathappened?– Shewasin a car crash.–Isthe car OK?– I’m afraid not! A: happened B: had C: say D: was E: is

    Which of the highlighted verbs could be in the present perfect in this dialogue? Choose as many as you think are possible to say in the present perfect.– I’m sorry tosayyour wifehadan accident.– Oh no! Whathappened?– Shewasin a car crash.–Isthe car OK?– I’m afraid not! A: happened B: had C: say D: was E: is

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    <strong>SectionB</strong>(10marks)<br/><em>Inthissection,youwillheartwolongconversations.Eachconversationwillbereadonly<strong>once</strong>.Attheendofeachconversation,therewillbea<strong>one-minute</strong>pause.Duringthepause,readthequestionsandthefourchoicesmarked<strong>A,B,C</strong>and<strong>D</strong>,anddecidewhichisthebestanswer.Thenmarkthecorrespondingletteronthe<strong>answersheet</strong>withasinglelinethroughthecentre.</em><br/><strong>Conversationl</strong><br/><br/>Whathappened?Therewas______. A: anaccident B: anexplosion C: aparade D: afight

    <strong>SectionB</strong>(10marks)<br/><em>Inthissection,youwillheartwolongconversations.Eachconversationwillbereadonly<strong>once</strong>.Attheendofeachconversation,therewillbea<strong>one-minute</strong>pause.Duringthepause,readthequestionsandthefourchoicesmarked<strong>A,B,C</strong>and<strong>D</strong>,anddecidewhichisthebestanswer.Thenmarkthecorrespondingletteronthe<strong>answersheet</strong>withasinglelinethroughthecentre.</em><br/><strong>Conversationl</strong><br/><br/>Whathappened?Therewas______. A: anaccident B: anexplosion C: aparade D: afight

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