• 2022-06-06
    Old Fern became angry because ______.
    A: his son had learned nothing at school
    B: his son was weak at all his lessons
    C: his son couldn't do anything in the companies
    D: his son had sold one of his companies
  • D


    • 0

      The father had hoped that his son()natural science, but his son became an artist later. A: learn B: would learn C: was going to learn D: learnt

    • 1

      [音频]What do you think Mr. Johnson will most probably do? A: He will take his son out of school at once. B: He willturn a blind eye to his son's behavior. C: He will tell his son not to take his phone to school. D: He will tell his son not to send text messages in class.

    • 2

      Mr. King didn't know ________ yesterday evening. A: when does his son come home B: when his son comes home C: when did his son come home D: when his son came home

    • 3

      The author brought a TV set into his son's room to _______. A: make his son stop crying B: spend the night watching TV C: it to his son D: make his son fall asleep as soon as possible

    • 4

      He works hard to earn more money to keep his son at school ______ the hope that his son can go to college.