• 2022-06-06
    Cloze:officialdignityturn his backvacantcompanionbotherhelplesslyscenecut me shorttreateddescribedeven ifHaving found a local____1___, I asked him if I couldn’t havesome poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he ____2___with a sharp “No, you can’t. Every corner is full. Now don’t __3___me any more,” and with these words he ___4___on me and walked off.I hadnot expected to be __5____ like this, and my __6____was in a state not to be described. I said to my__7____, “They talk to me like this because theydon’t know who I am.” But my companion said, “Don’t talk such foolishness.___8___ they did know who you were, do you suppose it would help youto get a seat in a train which had no ___9__ seats in it?” And he also turned his back on me. That was too much. I found the same local official and said very politely that my name was Mark Twain and could I have — but he cut me short again, “I’ve told you notto bother me any more.” And again he turned hisback on me. I looked around__10___ and saw thatmy companion had been watching the whole___11__.The shame which I felt cannot be____12___. I said, “Hemay not have heard my name,” but my companion didn’t agree with me, saying, “He must have heard your name well enough. He does not care, that’s all.”
  • official# cut me short# bother# turned his back# treated# dignity# companion# Even if# vacant# helplessly# scene# described



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      We met through my college roommate at the university cafeteria. That fateful night,I was 1 curious, but for him I think it was 2 . “You have beautifuleyes”, he said as he 3 my face. He kept 4 me all night long. I reallywasn’t that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like he was a really 5 boy,maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a little 6 ./module/audioplay.html?objectid=bf4bf74d30328ea1cc47afe22bd94df8

    • 1

      Which sentences are right? A: Can you tell me where is the hospital? B: Can you tell me wherethe hospital is? C: I don't know whether does he speak Chinese. D: I don't know whether he speaks Chinese.

    • 2

      Zhuangzi’s family were poor, so he went to borrow some rice from the Marquis of Jian He. The Marquis of Jian He said, “Of course. I am about to receive the tax from the people and will give you three hundred pieces of gold – is that enough?” Zhuangzi flushed with anger and said, “On my way here yesterday I heard a voice calling me. I looked around and saw a large fish in the carriage rut. I said, ‘Fish! What are you doing there?’ He said, ‘I am Minister of the Waves in the Eastern Ocean. Sir, do you have a measure of water you could give me?’ Well, I told him, ‘I am going south to visit the Kings of Wu and Yue and after that I would redirect the course of the Western River so it will flow up to you. Would that do?’ The large fish flushed with anger and said, ‘I am out of my very element, I have nowhere to go. Give me just a little water and I can survive. But giving me such an answer as that means you will only ever find me again on a dried fish stall!’” (199 words)( Adapted from The Book of Chuang Tzu, p.237)阅读五(1)What is the writing style of this fable? A: Humorous and ironic. B: Anxious and unsatisfied. C: Indifferent and introductory. D: Serious and factual.

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      5.When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don't have me. What am I?

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      See, you can’t keep being nice to me and I can’t keep like this is something that it’s not. We’ve been together over seven years. You know me. You know who I am. You either wanna marry me or you don’t.