• 2022-06-06
    1. The person in dialogue 1 wants to go to the _______________.2. The person in dialogue 2 wants to go to the ______.3. The person in dialogue 3 wants to go to the ______________________.
  • department store# bank# tourist information office


    • 0

      This person wants a home in the ______ part of town.

    • 1

      Choose the right answers according to the dialogue you hear. 1、What does the man want to do after he graduates? A: He wants to become a teacher. B: He hopes to go on to graduate school. C: He'd like to work at a hotel.

    • 2

      Mr. Williams wants to go to the ______.

    • 3

      The kind of job that a person wants to find is a iob ___.

    • 4

      According to Aristotle,a person who wants to convince another may appeal to that person's ( )?