• 2022-06-06
    This pencil is___ than that one.
    A: long
    B: lang
    C: longer
    D: as long
  • C


    • 0

      这根棍子的长度是那个的3倍. Which of the following translation is not correct?? This stick is;two;times longer;than that one.|This stick is;three times longer than;that one.;|This stick is three times the length of that one.|This stick is three times as long as that one.

    • 1

      This stick is 2m long. That one is 2m long, too. This stick is ______ long ______ that one.

    • 2

      The Yellow River is one of the _________rivers in China. A: long B: longer C: the longest D: the longer

    • 3

      There are two syllables in the word "photo". /əu/occurs in both syllables, but the first one is __________ the second because it is stressed. A: longer than B: shorter than C: as long as D: as short as

    • 4

      Her hair is _____ than ____. A: long; your B: longer; you C: longest; yours D: longer; yours