• 2022-05-28
    The river is three times _____ that one.
    A: longer than
    B: the long of
    C: as long
    D: as longer as
  • A


    • 0

      The day is getting _____. A: long an long B: longest and longest C: longer and longer D: longer and longest

    • 1

      The<br/>Yellow River is the second ____ river in China. A: long B: longer C: longest D: the<br/>longest

    • 2

      Her hair is _____ than ____. A: long; your B: longer; you C: longest; yours D: longer; yours

    • 3

      How long did the doctor say Steve would live after having the disease?no longer than three to six____.

    • 4

      In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled______ the local market. A: longer than B: more than C: as much as D: as far as