• 2022-06-06
    No one________ that to his face.
  • dare say


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      You should make a business appointment face to face.

    • 1

      What helped the writer to guess that Packer was the boss of something? A: The two old scars on his face. B: The rough, brown and lined face. C: The lines of worry and fear on his face. D: The marks of success and strength on his face.

    • 2

      Which is more polite when talking with others nearby, face to face or via a smart phone? A: Face to face. B: Via a smart phone.

    • 3

      9. She is the only one that _____ that to his face.( ) A: dares saying B: dare to say C: dare say D: dares say

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: I try to avoid ________ him face to face.