• 2022-06-06
    A: acquaint
    B: credit
    C: receive
    D: curse
  • B


    • 0

      Hewas_____withhisbadtemper. A: cursed B: curse C: happy D: luck

    • 1

      Youshouldn’thavewritteninthe________sincethebookbelongstothelibrary. A: interval B: orde C: margin D: edge

    • 2


    • 3

      The exporter can receive the payment only when________.() A: he has shipped the goods. B: he has presented the documents. C: the importer has taken delivery of the goods. D: the documents presented comply with the credit terms.

    • 4

      Whileyouarestandinginfrontoftheaudience,youshouldn’t. A: leanonthelectern. B: gripthelecternandholdontightly. C: keepyourhandsinyourpocketsallthetime. D: keepyourhandsfoldedrigidlyacrossyourchest.