中国大学MOOC: Psychologist Freud firstly proposed the word “archetype” in his idea of “Collective Unconscious”.
- What is the meaning of Oedipus Complex as coined by Freud? A: A boy's unconscious sexual desire for his mother and hatred against his father B: A boy's unconscious sexual desire for his father and hatred against his mother C: A common hatred of all children against their parents D: A common hatred of all parents against their children
- What characterizes the Collective Man is that____________. A: It is a disagreement with Sigmund Freud. B: Jung turns from “external” descriptions of man into an exploration of his mind C: it takes its “definite forms” in the collective unconscious D: Jung turns from “external” descriptions of man into an exploration of his mind
- Qian Zhongshu proposed his idea of “______ ”, which later gained great prestige among Chinese translators.
- According to the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, what is "inner drive " called ?
- 中国大学MOOC: What is not the primary idea followed by Li Bing and his people in the construction?